Panel Discussion

Brenda Solanki moderating a diverse panel
Sunday, September 27, 2015 - 10:45 to 11:45
held at: 
Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work Wilfrid Laurier University 120 Duke Street West Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W8

A diverse panel will interact with each other and with the participants at large in a round table discussion on the focus question: "What is your foremost idea of the spiritual value to live our lives in harmony in the infinte diversity of the universe?" The panelists are requested to reflect on the focus question and come prepared with a list of ideas arranged in order of significance.

The panel will proceed in two parts each of 1/2 hour duration: the panelists interacting with each other in the first part followed by the panel interacting with the other participants in the second.

The first part will consist of two rounds. In the first round, each panelist will take two minutes to briefly share the foremost idea on their list. They are requested to avoid repetition by going to the next one on their list in case the foremost idea is already presented. Having listened to the first round, the panelists will have an additional two minutes each to react to the first round or to presenting another idea.

The first part will be followed by a 1/2 hour engagement of the panelists by the participants of the conference at large in a Q & A session.

Moderator Brenda Solanki