Mentor is the mental designer who can promote human evolution

Kumi Kaise
Saturday, September 26, 2015 - 11:30 to 12:30
held at: 
Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work Wilfrid Laurier University 120 Duke Street West Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W8

The world is a collection of individuals, If there are more individuals with harmonious minds, the world will be in harmony and peace.

So, how we can organize our mind to be in harmony? How do we develop and grow our mind? Kumi will present her thoughts on the role of a mentor who also acts as a role model with his/her own life example in shaping our lifes and minds. She intends to report on the proceedings of this conference in Japan.

Born in Japan, Kochi in 1972. After graduating from college, worked as an editor for a PC magazine. However, after giving birth to my two children I left that job. While raising my family, learned eastern horoscope from an instructor familiar with Buddhism.

Started a leadership course based on Buddhism, psychology and encephalology in 2006. The course is offered in over 20 prefectures and offers more than 30 classes and lectures every month inside and outside Japan. The classes are soon to be offered in Nepal, China, Vietnam and Singapore.

Highly experienced in lecturing at international organizations such as Nepal ILO, the educational institution of Ohio State University, USA, etc.

(Co) CLOVER Japan, CEO and the director of Foundation WAKERNERS. Our goal is to train resources that contribute to the development of the world, the community and the family.